Partnering with CCE PTO helps connect your business with the families of over 750 children in Saint Johns County and surrounding areas, it also allows us to accomplish our CCE PTO goals throughout the year. CCE serves children from Pre-K to 5th Grade and is consistently an “A” rated school, CCE has served our children since its dedication in 1995 and is privileged to be one of the top schools in Saint Johns County. Community Business partnerships help support CCE in meeting all its needs throughout our school, while enabling your business growth and exposure, CCE PTO prides itself on building community and supporting our local businesses whenever we can.
Cunningham Creek Elementary PTO is grateful for any contributions your business is willing to help our Children, Staff, School and Community. Thank you for considering Cunningham Creek Elementary in your business giving back program and we look forward to nurturing strong partnerships between our school, businesses and community.
With Gratitude,
Cunningham Creek Elementary PTO
CCE PTO Facebook
Please fill out the CCE Partners in Education Agreement either online or print your Agreement and mail it back to:
Cunningham Creek Elementary
1205 Roberts Rd
Saint Johns, Fl 32259
Thank you for your continued support of the CCE PTO, we look forward to building a prosperous relationship with you within our Cardinal Community!
Cunningham Creek Elementary PTO is grateful for any contributions your business is willing to help our Children, Staff, School and Community. Thank you for considering Cunningham Creek Elementary in your business giving back program and we look forward to nurturing strong partnerships between our school, businesses and community.
With Gratitude,
Cunningham Creek Elementary PTO
CCE PTO Facebook
Please fill out the CCE Partners in Education Agreement either online or print your Agreement and mail it back to:
Cunningham Creek Elementary
1205 Roberts Rd
Saint Johns, Fl 32259
Thank you for your continued support of the CCE PTO, we look forward to building a prosperous relationship with you within our Cardinal Community!

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