- September 2024 Reservations
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CARDINAL Spirit Rock Guidelines
**Parents understand by sending a photo of the rock that includes their child(ren), they are giving their permission for the photo to be posted on the PTO's website, Facebook page and/or e-newsletter.** We would love to see your artwork!
- All reservations are made online only through our reservation system. Make sure you are a follower of our Facebook page to receive the latest updates. (www.facebook.com/CunninghamCreekPTO/)
- When the online system opens, all school days will be listed for reservation.
- Reservations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please keep in mind, that the earlier you make your reservation, the more likely you are to secure your desired date(s). Additionally, there are typically 180 school days per year, and we have over 900 students. So, please be understanding if the date you request is unavailable.
- Any individual, team, event, or business may be the subject of the CARDINAL Spirit Rock for a limit of three days (in succession or not in succession) per calendar month. Anyone not abiding by this rule will have their reservation cancelled and no refund.
- What is painted on the CARDINAL Spirit Rock must be in good taste and may not contain any foul language, discriminatory, religious, and/or political statements and/or symbols. Profanity and obscenities are not permitted.
- Character Counts here in St. Johns County; all messages should be affirming! Designs should have a caring and nurturing message. All wording must be positive.
- The rock runs on the honor system, with the hopes that everyone will respect these guidelines.
- Families, groups, or organizations must furnish their own labor, paint, and supplies to paint the rock. NO SPRAY PAINT IS ALLOWED ON CAMPUS PER ADMINISTRATION. Please only use “standard” paint on the rock – no puffy paint, no glue, no chemicals, etc.
- The family, group, or organization painting the rock assumes liability for any individual or member of the group/organization who may be injured or who incur clothing or other personal property damage.
- ONLY the rock can be painted. Painting on trees, sidewalks, lamp posts, or buildings is prohibited. Any damage or destruction to the surrounding areas or buildings will deem the family, group, or organization financially responsible for cleaning and repair costs. THIS MEANS ALL PAINT SUPPLIES MUST STAY IN THE GRASSED AREA AND OFF THE SIDEWALK/PAVEMENT. DO NOT paint the grass around the CARDINAL Spirit Rock.
- You may start painting the rock at 5:00pm on the day before your reserved date(s). (i.e. If you reserved the rock for a Tuesday, you may start painting at 5:00pm on Monday evening.) The school gates will be closed at 8:00 PM daily. Therefore, you will need to paint the rock between 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM the day prior to your reservation. Rocks reservations for Mondays should be painted the prior Friday between 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
- If the weather is inclement, plan on painting with an umbrella in hand. Sorry, no refunds. If you can't paint the rock on your reserved day (conflict in your schedule, forgot, moving, etc.), try to trade with another family at the school. The PTO does not give refunds on the rock. Please mark your calendar!
- Families, groups, or organizations supply all painting materials.
- Suggested supplies:
- Latex paint (exterior) one to two quarts for background color.
- A “rough” roller works best for covering the background -- DO NOT paint the top or back of the CARDINAL Spirit Rock!
- A secondary paint (exterior) color for the wording
- small (1”) brushes or sponges work well for lettering
- *Painting Tip* - Bring a piece of chalk to write any letters/words before painting!
***NO SPRAY PAINT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS! - Bring a large trash bag to take home all items as you will need to properly discard all painting supplies at home and not on school grounds. Used paint cans are not to be placed in the school trash bins or dumpsters. Please dispose of paint cans properly off campus.
**Parents understand by sending a photo of the rock that includes their child(ren), they are giving their permission for the photo to be posted on the PTO's website, Facebook page and/or e-newsletter.** We would love to see your artwork!
Only 1 left!